All the news from PSF

Non-resident income tax in Andorra

Are you familiar with the non-resident income tax in Andorra?

Although some media are selling it as a new tax, in reality it is not. This is the IRNR that has been with us for a long time.

It's only now that we've had a number of changes, many of which we're not aware of.

This is an advance and we will then investigate further: income earned in our country by a non-resident is required to pay.

Impuesto Sobre La Renta

Fitch Ratings enhances the rating of Andorra and gives it an A.

Fitch Rating, the economic rating agency, has raised Andorra's rating to an A-, making it the sovereign nation with the best rating in the world.

This is an announcement that has come as a result of significant advances in fiscal and financial management, along with efforts to improve the tourism sector.

If you add to the good tax conditions of all time, the interest of the general public, the evaluation has improved in a tangible way.

But what implications does this have and why should you pay attention to it? In this article we develop the keys to understanding the impact and making decisions.

Fitch Ratings Mejora La Evaluacion De Andorra

Is Andorra a tax haven? Truths and lies

Andorra has long been known as a tax haven where wealthy individuals and businesses have sought to save on taxes.

And although it is not a tax haven, because it does not have that consideration or meet the requirements that we will tell you later, it does have special conditions that attract this type of public.

But what is preventing the country from getting into that consideration and why are so many people still considering it as such?

Tax Haven

Working independently in Andorra: is this a real opportunity?

Now that we have known the latest tax reforms that the Government of Spain has proposed for the situation of the employee, it is time to see what is done on the other side of the border.

Is it really as interesting to go to Andorra as some propose or is it rather a legend that crosses all our thoughts?

To solve this doubt, we will do something very simple: learn all the keys in detail of the independent reality of the Principality.

Ser Autonomo En Andorra Psf

Investment in the Metaverse

Maybe you thought it was something only found in science fiction or you didn't give it much thought until now.

However, the Metaverse is already here and coming to revolutionize how many jobs are developed, opening up a world of opportunities for professionals who are willing to learn more about it.

Are you aware that there are now over 24,000 demands for professionals and only 3,000 professionals are prepared to meet them?

Metaverso Psf

Do you know the Business Digitalization plan in Andorra?

These are various subsidies and financing plans adapted to the specific characteristics of Andorran companies to promote their digital transformation.

The idea, with this Plan, is to be able to promote its digital transformation to face the challenges posed by the new paradigm of the fourth industrial revolution.

And today we want to tell you all about it.

Empresa Digital