- Excellent healthcare. Tops the world quality ranking.
- Maximum efficiency in the health system thanks to the small population and high per capita income
- Public Hospital and health care centers that offer quality services.
- Free choice of medical personnel.
- Agreements signed with neighboring countries for specialized procedures and advanced treatments.
Advantages of living in Andorra
Liberalization of the economy
In recent years, the country has gone through a process of opening and liberalizing the economy. Currently, foreign investments are welcomed as well as the creation of companies and residence obtaining in Andorra.

What can convince you to relocate your family and your business?
Excellent Healthcare
Multilingual Educational System
- It has 3 educational systems: Andorran / Spanish / French
- The British College of Andorra has recently been installed
- Free public educational system.
- Andorran students have access to higher education in French and Spanish universities.
Legal and Tax Framework
- Andorra is one of the safest countries in the world.
- Principle recognized and protected by the Andorran Constitution, which has facilitated foreign investment in the country.
- Taxes with very low rates.
- There is no inheritance or inheritance tax.
Political and Economic Stability
- Andorra has maintained political and economic stability over the years.
- Stable environment that provides a predictable framework for doing business.
Strategic Location
- Its strategic location is advantageous for businesses wishing to operate in the EU.
- Location near large international markets.